The Derrière Diaries

The online magazine for new nappy changers and seasoned pros alike

Parenting and Date Nights: Keeping the Spark Alive
Whether you’re barely surviving on 2 hours sleep or navigating the early years, parenthood can signal a real shift in priorities. The title of ‘mummy’ or ‘daddy’ can feel like it’s starting to take precedence over your relationship with your partner and it’s especially easy to lose focus on your sexual sense of self when quality time is a now-distant memory. Yearning for romantic feels of those pre-parenthood days? Here are sexual wellness experts HANX’s four top tips for reconnecting with your partner and finding that spark once again:... Read more
Rediscovering Intimacy Postpartum: A Guide for New Parents

Oh, baby. You’ve welcomed a tiny new arrival, are starting to get into the rhythm of the near-constant babygro washing cycles, and might just about be in the headspace where bedroom fun is an exciting prospect, again… so, where to start? Over to HANX’s in-house sexperts with the answers to new parent’s most asked questions about intimacy.

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The Dad-Code: Alex Stansfield - not your usual nursery director
Alex, London-based ex-banker and dad, followed his wife Camilla in spearheading the development of Parsons Green Nursery in the heart of London. Buckle up, he's not your 'usual nursery director'.... Read more
The Dad Code: The rollercoaster of fatherhood
You're a dad. Whoa. Your code has changed, you've changed. Those heady days of bachelorhood or even just couple life before kids feel far away. Let’s be honest, reality really sunk in when the little one arrived. Theory is hardly a substitute for experience. We've asked Caroline Evans, parenting consultant with over 20 years of experience in supporting families, about the ups and downs of transitioning into the role of fatherhood and how to best navigate this - sometimes overwhelming - chapter.... Read more
Potty Training: 10 Top Tips

We may be a nappy company, but we’re also excited for your little one to get out of nappies as soon as possible. After all, that’s not only fewer nappies in UK landfills, but also that’s straight-up exciting for your family!   

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7 Signs your Child is Ready for Potty Training
Sophie Allen, Montessori Expert at Babbu, shares with us how to tackle this exciting and major milestone. The one that, yes, will end your time with Peachies but hey, we couldn't be more thrilled for you. Tell us like it is, Sophie...... Read more
Let's Talk Nappy Rash

Nappy rash - oh the dreaded nappy rash. We've spent a lot of time understanding how we can take some of the mystery out of nappy rash, including why it happens and how you can fix it. We recently shared our top 3 tips with our friends at Babbu:

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10 Meal-Time and Happy Hour Ideas that Deliver
Parents are stretched for time - duh. We’re also thinking about those early days after your little one (whether first, second, third or fourth…) enters the world is a whirlwind of beautiful, sleepless chaos. Remembering to feed yourself is a tall order. Organising even small indulgences falls further down the priority list. But let’s change that.... Read more