The Derrière Diaries

The online magazine for new nappy changers and seasoned pros alike

How to Make Nappy Changing a Fun and Positive Experience for Your Baby

At Peachies, we believe in empowering parents with expert advice to navigate this wild journey that is raising children. 

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2 Founders, 2 Countries and 3 Reasons to Use Bubble

Bubble hosted our founders, Rima and Morgan, for a conversation on childcare. We've recreated the conversation here. 

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8 Essentials for your Staycation or Jetset Holidays
You're all packed, passports in hand, and ready to embark on a memorable vacation! But wait, what's that nagging feeling? Oh, it's the holiday forgetfulness syndrome – a common condition that strikes just when you think you've got everything sorted.... Read more
Postpartum Healing: The 5 Most Common Questions
As a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, I’ve found that many women are not prepared for what to expect after delivering their baby. There’s a lot of important attention paid to your new little one, but many women who give birth are left wondering what they can expect from their bodies after a vaginal or caesarean delivery. ... Read more
Peachies Achieves B-Corp Pending Status
Peachies has achieved the B Corp Pending Status, and we couldn’t be more thrilled about this important milestone on our journey toward becoming a certified B-Corp.... Read more
Save the Children x Peachies
Our formula: happy, supported parents equals healthier children. That’s why we’ve teamed up to give more families the future they deserve. It takes a village - it really does - and together we can make a difference.... Read more
Baby Sleep and Bed Sharing

Babies are supposed to sleep lightly and wake often. Think about it. The world is big and overwhelming, even more so for your infant who recently left the comfort of the amniotic fluid that protected them before birth. The '4th trimester' is therefore all about keeping your baby close and allowing them skin to skin contact using baby carriers etc to give them that womb-like experience.

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5 Early Days Breastfeeding Tips
Much of my work as a professional lactation consultant includes visiting parents in the early days and weeks of breastfeeding when they have hit a bump in the road. With nearly every family I meet, I wish I could go back in time to share certain information during pregnancy.... Read more