More Than Just An Artist, Natalia Bagniewska


Enter the world of Natalia Bagniewska, a multifaceted London-based artist who effortlessly blends the vibrant chaos of motherhood with her love for art. Known for her playful and expressive style, Natalia’s work infuses everyday moments with creativity and joy. From indulging in the not-so-guilty pleasure of Made in Chelsea to engaging in messy play sessions with her son, Marty, Natalia offers a refreshing take on balancing art, motherhood and Sunday pancake mornings.


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Join us as we explore Natalia’s creative universe, where the chaos of toddler life meets the structured elegance of mid-century Polish graphic design. We also explore her latest artistic endeavours and the inspirations behind her captivating pieces.

  • If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Natalia: “If I could only listen to one song for the rest of my life, it would probably be ‘Stand By Me’ by Ben E King. It's been a favourite of mine since I was really young. I just can't think of any other song that's lived with me for so long.”

  • Describe your perfect lazy Sunday.

Natalia: “Lazy Sundays aren't much of a thing when you have a toddler! The day usually starts between 5 and 6am so I can't say it's as lazy as it used to be, but we love to read books in bed, drinking coffee and milk. Then we would probably come downstairs, make pancakes and then go for a little stroll, locally. We live in a lovely neighbourhood, so we’d go to our favourite cafes, or to the playground. After my son’s nap, we would maybe watch a movie and cook a toddler-friendly meal for dinner, then bedtime!

“If I had to choose a guilty pleasure TV show, it would have to be Made In Chelsea. I am obsessed with it and can't get enough. It has just finished and I'm gutted!”
  • What’s a guilty pleasure TV show you can't get enough of?

Natalia: “I read a while ago about guilty pleasures and how there's no such thing. So I'm going to caveat with that, because, you know, you either like something or you don’t! But if I had to choose a guilty pleasure TV show, it would have to be Made In Chelsea. I am obsessed with it and can't get enough. It has just finished and I'm gutted!”

  • If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?

Natalia: “If I could travel anywhere in the world right now, it would probably be somewhere very Mediterranean. I'm endlessly inspired by the Mediterranean lifestyle, food, leisurely pursuits, and heat and sun, obviously.” 

  • What’s your favourite piece of artwork in your home and why?

Natalia: “So this is probably my favourite piece of art in our flat. I'm Polish, and I've always been really inspired by mid-century Polish graphic design. There was a really big poster scene back in the day, and they did a lot of circus posters, and this is one of them. Unfortunately, I don’t know who it’s by exactly, but I’ve always loved it, and I've had it for a good 10 years now!”

“I like to encourage creativity in my son through messy play. I really believe that you can’t be creative unless you make a mess!”
  • What’s a parenting hack you swear by?

Natalia: “A parenting hack I swear by is that when we make a mess, I try to make tidying up like a game and make it really fun. Marty is now obsessed with sweeping, vacuuming, and wiping, so I’m going to try to keep that going for as long as possible.” 

  • How do you encourage creativity in your children?

Natalia: “I like to encourage creativity in my son through messy play. I really believe that you can’t be creative unless you make a mess! This is true as an adult, and even more so as a toddler. So, we like to get the flat nice and messy in the daytime, and then I just tidy up at the end of the day.”

  • What values are most important for you to pass on to your children?

Natalia: “The number one value I really try to instil in my son is kindness. I think that probably transcends anything else. I just want him to grow up kind and polite. In terms of other values, I’d like to pass on to him the importance of community, family, seeing the joy in life, and just being as happy as he can be, really!”

  • And vice versa: What’s a lesson you’ve learned from your children?

Natalia: “A lesson I'm learning as I become more and more of a parent and my son enters toddler-don is seeing him react to things the way I would react. I'm very emotional and can get quite moody or grumpy, and I'm seeing that in him. So it's teaching me to check myself, and hopefully, therefore, teaching him to do that too, because it's not my best quality!”

“If I had any superpower, it would definitely be to fly. I'm convinced I can fly and I dream about it a lot! We were watching Peter Pan with my son the other day, and I just really resonated with it!”
  • If you could live in any period of history, when would it be and why?

Natalia: “If I could live in any period of history, it would be the late ‘60s or early ‘70s, which hold a very special place in my heart. I find the aesthetic very inspiring. And I’m sure this isn’t actually true, but it does seem like the glory heydays. Just constant summers and happy times!”

  • If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be and why?

Natalia: “If I could have dinner with any fictional character, it would probably be someone from Harry Potter, because I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. Most likely Professor Dumbledore as he seems very wise.”

  • If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

Natalia: “If I had any superpower, it would definitely be to fly. I'm convinced I can fly and I dream about it a lot! We were watching Peter Pan with my son the other day, and I just really resonated with it!”

“You just have to make the art. Whether it's good or bad, show it off to people and be proud of it, and something will click! You've just got to keep making the art.”
  • How do you handle creative blocks and stay inspired?

Natalia: “I actually have been struggling through a bit of a creative block recently. I wish I had the most direct answer for how to get out of it, but I think the best thing is to just keep ‘doing’. If you really feel like that isn't working for you, then just step away from your creative endeavour for a bit. Try and get inspired in other ways. Go for long walks! Obviously, I find galleries and museums very inspiring. And even just walking around different neighbourhoods in London, I find there's so much creativity all around us. It's just about kind of beginning to notice it and open your eyes again, then coming back and trying to do a bit of work once you've had time away from it.”

  • What’s a project you’ve worked on that you’ll never forget?

Natalia: “I'm really lucky. I've had a very diverse career and done quite a lot of different things. But just recently, I worked with The Hoxton hotel in Shepherd's Bush, my studio, Kindred Studios, and the curator, Orit Schreiber, to have a solo show in their hotel. That was the first proper solo exhibition I’ve done, and it was an incredible experience. One that I’ll definitely never forget!”

  • If you could collaborate with any artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Natalia: “If I could work with any artist, living or dead, I'd have to say, Matisse. I'm inspired by a lot of artists, but he's been with me since day 1. I would love to chat to him, hang out with him in all the places he hung out in, and come up with some fun projects to do together!”

  • What was the defining moment when you decided to become a professional artist?

Natalia: “I'm not sure if I had a ‘defining’ moment when I decided to become a professional artist. I'm also a graphic designer and illustrator, and I think since having my son, I’ve become a lot more eager to do exactly what I want to do. That's definitely helped me transition more into the fine art space. So having my son was definitely a moment in time that helped propel me in this direction.”

  • What advice would you give to aspiring artists looking to make their mark?

Natalia: “I'm not sure if I'm professional enough to be giving out advice to other artists, but all I can say is you just have to make the art. Whether it's good or bad, show it off to people and be proud of it, and something will click! You've just got to keep making the art.”

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