Have your nappies been tested?

Last updated on 28 January 2025 at 12:29

Peachies has been tested by industry-leading third party testing facilities. We’ve conducted lab performance tests, dermatological testing and panel testing with customers.

Dermatest’s rigorous dermatological testing gave us an “excellent” rating on sensitive skin with zero incidents proving that our nappies are the safest choice for your baby. Find our test report  here.

Our lab performance and panel testing proved the quality of our nappies. Our nappies absorb 3x more liquid and 4x faster than other brands, to keep baby’s peachy little bums dry. In a blind test where participants didn’t now anything about the brand, our story or the product, 87% recommend us to friends and family. Furthermore, 85% loved the fit of our nappies and had 60% less leakages using Peachies.

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